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{The F Family} A Homecoming Story | Fort Hood Fort Stewart Homecoming Photographer

Oh my goodness, it was my absolute pleasure to be able to shoot Ave + Brendan’s homecoming while I was back in Texas. I shot their pre-deployment session shortly before he deployed- so it’s always so neat to be able to record both sides of the story. A late night airport homecoming, I wanted to record the getting ready process as well. I headed over to Ave’s to hang out with her and a few of her close girlfriends helping her prepare for her husband to come in.




 That moment when you realize he’s on his last flight.2015-10-30_00052015-10-30_00062015-10-30_00072015-10-30_00082015-10-30_00092015-10-30_00102015-10-30_00112015-10-30_00122015-10-30_00132015-10-30_00142015-10-30_00152015-10-30_0016We headed to the airport and anxiously awaited the plane landing.

2015-10-30_0017He was going to be coming through the same gate he left through nine long months before.

2015-10-30_00182015-10-30_0019Military friendships are like no other. These girls are your people. They understand and support each other even though many of their husbands are currently gone or preparing to leave. They are the only people that understand the long nights + days while you’re away from your spouse. It was so awesome to see all these girls there in support of Ave.

2015-10-30_00202015-10-30_00212015-10-30_00222015-10-30_00232015-10-30_0024Before we knew it the plane was on the ground- it was almost time.


2015-10-30_0028Poor Ave waited…and waited…and waited.


Finally, in what seemed like the last few guys off the plane- we saw him.

Ave was off, sign was thrown, nothing mattered but getting to him.


Welcome home Brendan!
